Page 8 - Georgetown Prep 2015 Strategic Plan
P. 8

Establish a coaches training program focused on mission.
         Reinvigorate the centuries old Jesuit tradition of eloquentia perfecta through theater,
         speech and debate, and performing arts.

Goal: Increase opportunities for academic support.

         Ensure that appropriate on-campus academic support is available to all students.
         Continue to promote teacher accessibility.
         Ensure proper communication between the Counseling Services Department and faculty.
         Evaluate the staffing of the Counseling Services Department.
         Create a summer enrichment and acculturation program for identified incoming students.

Goal: Follow best practices in all areas of technology, in particular classroom technology,
professional development, and technology support.

         Conduct a thorough evaluation of campus technology.
         Establish a ground-up approach to determine how technology can be used in the

Goal: Align school calendar with mission.

         Assess 42-minute period schedule.
         Establish an all-inclusive campus master calendar.
         Institute campus scheduling process.

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