Page 6 - Spring Garden Township - Spring-Summer 2021
P. 6


        PROPERTY MAINTENANCE -                                 Rental Inspector.  Completed annual rental license
        RENTAL PROPERTIES                                      applications and fees are to be fi led with the township
                                                               by January 31 of each year by the property owner. This
                            A rental property is one where     form must be accompanied by the per unit fee of
                            any person other than the owner    $200. If application for license is fi led after
                            resides in a dwelling or dwelling   January 31, a late fee of $100 /per unit is
                            unit, whether or not related to    added to the annual license fee.  It is the
                            the owner of the property.         rental property owner’s responsibility to
                                                               fi le completed license application prior to  RENTAL
                            Each rental property is subject to   the due date each year.                 APPLICATION
                            the minimum property
        maintenance code standards such as handrails,          New tenant?  Prior to renting to a new tenant, an
        proper light and ventilation, and thermal and          inspection by the rental inspector is necessary.
        sanitary maintenance, as well as being compliant
        with all other Township codes such as Nuisance         All forms can be found on our website.  Questions
        (§165, Article I).                                     about rental property licenses, inspections, and
                                                               change of tenants:
        Every two years each rental unit and the premises      rental-property or call 717.848.2858 for the Rental
        surrounding the rental unit will be inspected by the   Inspector.

          PERMITS                                              Residential and Commercial building permits have
                                                               slightly diff erent requirements; however, both
          Permits are needed for most construction or          require an application to be submitted to the
          remodeling projects, in order to ensure the safety   Township Offi  ce.  Most applications are
          of the work and compliance with state and local      accompanied by a drawing of the project which
          regulations.                                         may include a site plan showing distance the
          What permits are necessary in Spring Garden          project is from property lines to review setbacks
          Township?                                            and impervious coverage.  Building inspections are
                                                               needed for most projects and depending on the
          •  Building (electrical, mechanical, framing, pools,   complexity of the project may need inspections
            decks, etc.)                                       for diff erent phases of the construction such as
          • Zoning (fence, pools, sheds, patios, signs, etc.)  footers, framing, and electrical.
          • Plumbing                                           Are there fees?  Permit fees vary by permit type.
          • Dumpster                                           Some are accompanied by inspection fees.
          • Yard Sale                                          The current fee for a zoning permit is $25.
          • Chemical Toilet                                    Building permits - the base fee is $25, then an
          • Street opening (driveways)                         additional $10 per $1,000 of construction cost
          • Fireworks                                          after the initial $3,000 construction cost.  Plan
                                                               review and inspection costs are additional.
          • Stormwater
          • Solicitation
          • Conversion/Change of Use & Occupancy
          Please check with the Township website for details
          and applications                                     For more information on permits, contact the
          What is the process?  All permits are applied for    Administration Offi  ce at 717.848.2858 or review
          by fi rst completing an application.                 the Township website.   Call 811 before you dig!

         page 6  |  Spring Garden Township                                                    Phone: 717.848.2858
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