Page 8 - More_Magazine_Issue6
P. 8
850 Vogelsong Road
York, PA 17404
you the importance of
“ The turn of the year always brings new beginnings. The start of 2016 EFI Wide Format Printer
“more communications – marked the culmination of several key events that will provide new Esco CNC Cutter
more results”. possibilities and growth opportunities for our clients and ourselves.
Canon 10,000 digital printer
717.764.4500 800.864.2040 In an effort to consolidate our brand, we determined it was time to let
go of the Martin Design name and re-market all of our graphics services under the Caskey Group name and logo. The wide-format graphics sector
has seen steady growth over the last several years, so we also chose to
“When you look for invest in some key equipment and move our graphics operations to a new
responsibility in printing, facility located at 755 Vogelsong Road. Completed in early January, we are
just remember this: pleased to announce that the new Caskey Group Graphics, Signage and
The most valuable Promotions facility is now able to offer our customers more services
response-ability is than ever before.
the printer’s ability
to respond to your We invite you to visit our new showroom, which is filled with banners,
requirements. No matter window, wall and floor graphics, promotional items and tradeshow
how many others he products. Can’t visit right away? Look for information coming soon on our
has served, no matter summer seminars! Our facility proudly boasts an EFI Wide Format Printer
how long he has been in that is the highest quality flatbed printer available today, and an Esco CNC
business, each printing Cutter that allows us to take our 3-D signage and promotional products
order is a test of his from concept to completion all in-house. We also have two large vehicle
ability to respond to bays to house our 3M Certified vehicle wrap installation service.
the client’s needs.
~ printer R.M. Hederman, 1938 Our Integrations team worked diligently last year to create new digital
platforms for both in-house and client use. Their impressive portfolio
FIND US ON now includes over 40 custom websites, landing pages, storefronts and
e-commerce sites. If you are looking to expand your web presence
with one of these services, look no further than Caskey!
Despite all the changes and expansions in other areas, we never forget
our roots. As a commercial printer, we pride ourselves on providing our
customers with the finest in printing quality and service. To streamline
our digital printing, we created a dedicated digital area and purchased
a Canon 10,000 digital printer that offers in-line print, score, stitch and
binding. Upgraded features also include faster print speed, greater color
consistency and square-back binding for a polished and professional look.
We value the responsibility placed on us when you entrust your printing,
marketing, signage and communication needs to Caskey Group, and we
thank you for your business. To find out more about our products and
services, please contact your Caskey representative or me personally
at [email protected].
Wishing you MORE success, Tony Rife, President