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P. 3

In “The Private Life of Mail,”1 researchers found that while we live in a

fastpaced digital culture, we are still physical creatures who thrive on human contact
and stimulation. “Giving, receiving, and handling tangible objects remain deep and
intuitive parts of the human experience,” the research concludes.

Here are some detailed results...

39% of Consumers                             Mail is Kept in a Household                 57% Say it Makes them Feel
Display the Mail                             for 17 days, on Average                     More Valued

Thirty-nine percent of consumers say         This depends on the type of mail, but       Anyone can send an email these days. Mail
they have a dedicated display area in their  on average, advertising mail is kept for    takes more effort and investment . . . and
home where they put mail. This reinforces    17 days, door drops for 38 days, and bills  your recipients feel and respond to it.
the value of great design. The takeaway?     and statements for 45 days. “This means
Design something creative and fun, and it    a single piece of mail can have a big         Email, social media, and mobile are
will get noticed.                            impact and presents multiple                powerful forms of communication, but
                                             opportunities to be seen, often             none of them match the staying power
                                             over a period of days or weeks.”            and impact of direct mail. Don’t miss the
                                                                                         power this highly cost-effective channel

                   23% of Mail is                              People Place 24% More
                   Passed Around                               Value on Something They
                                                               Can Touch
                     An average of 23% of all mail is shared
                     between people in a household.            Human beings are highly visual, but people
                     Twenty-one percent of promotions and      value something they can see and touch
                     special offers are shared. “If you give   24% more than something they can only
                     people a positive reason to share or      see. “Send an offer by mail and recipients
                     discuss your mail, your brand will start  will perceive it as worth more than the
                     being talked about, allowing your         same offer on screen.”
                     message to reach more people.”
                                                                                                             CASKEY GROUP Q 3
1“The Private Life of Mail,” U.K. Royal Mail, February 2015
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