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                                                                                                               PA I D
                                                                                                             CASKEY GROUP

                   850 Vogelsong Road
                   York, PA 17404


            The magazine to show                                                                           ENVIRONMENTALLY
            you the importance of                                                                          RESPONSIBLE PAPER
        “more communications – more results”.

         717.764.4500  800.864.2040
                    A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT

                                         While it’s hard to believe that 2020 is   digital signage options, including Richtech
                                         here, the Caskey Group team is energized   interactive floors and HYPERVSN fans.
                                         and excited to start the new decade.
                                         We’re proud that we have brought 112 new   We continue to grow our staff with some

                                         clients on board in 2019 and experienced   of the highest quality employees in the
                3M Preferred             a 17-percent sales growth. But more      trade. We’re also excited to announce
                Graphics Installer
                                         importantly, we are beginning 2020 with   that we’ve brought a certified drone pilot
                                         several brand new technologies and       onto the Caskey team, who will be able to
                                         capabilities to serve our customers.     take amazing aerial photos and videos.

                                         In this issue, you’ll read about our new   As 2020 gets rolling, we’re busy personalizing
                                         building expansion, which includes       several storefronts for our clients. With
                                         innovative new equipment as well as a    all of the new technology solutions
                                         customer tour experience. You’ll also    we’re offering, there’s sure to be the
                                         read about our new digital printing presses,  right solution for your marketing and
                                              a game-changer for digital printing.  communications needs. Our plans are to
                                                          In addition, we are     host an open house in the fall to showcase

                                                           now offering           our new facilities and capabilities. We
                                                           customers a wider      welcome personalized tours as well.
                                                            range of cutting-edge
                                                                                             FIND US ON

                  Jason Martin  Tony Rife
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