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As of today, there is no effective treatment to slow or stop inventory, like greeting cards and books, were simply shipped
PSP from progressing, and there is no cure. That’s what CurePSP to Caskey for storage and fulfillment.
is dedicated to changing. The organization’s mission is to raise
awareness, education, care, and cure for people fighting PSP. CurePSP is a special organization with an important mission, and
Caskey saw an opportunity for CurePSP to boost its donor and
The money CurePSP raises is used to fulfill the mission in community engagement with every purchase. The Caskey team
several ways. The organization helps to fund research being designed customized, branded shipping boxes for CurePSP.
done in labs and universities, as well as providing families with
caregiving grants. The respite fund helps pay for short-term, “Inside every package is a customized note of hope, which
in-home care to give caregivers a break, and the organization Caskey puts into every box,” Da Rocha said. “The result is a
also hosts family conferences and events. really complete package that looks and feels different and
special. It’s important to us to lift up the community of people
When CurePSP needed to upgrade their online store, they who are dealing with these diseases, and the shipping package
turned to the Caskey Group, which had previously done a few supports that goal.”
print projects for the organization.
Caskey also helps the CurePSP team stay on top of their
“We wanted our store to have a fresh, modern feel, with a range inventory. Each month, Caskey sends an inventory audit of
of products for families and caregivers to show their support what was sold, to whom, and how many of each item are left
and raise awareness of PSP,” said Sabrina Da Rocha, Director in stock. Da Rocha and the CurePSP team use that information,
of Marketing and Communications for CurePSP. “We needed a together with the feedback they get at community and family
good, trusted partner that could fulfill the orders reliably, so we events, to plan additional products and changes to the store.
turned to Caskey.”
“We want to make sure we’re moving inventory constantly, and
The Caskey team met with Sabrina and CurePSP leadership this information helps us stay on top of what our community
to discuss what the organization envisioned for their online wants,” Da Rocha said.
store. CurePSP opted to create a range of new apparel options,
including t-shirts, hoodies, quarter-zip pullovers, blankets, Nike The most important thing, said Da Rocha, is that Caskey
caps, as well as books, mugs, and holiday cards. Every item cares about the cause. “The strength that you see in the PSP
displays the CurePSP brand – and its message of hope. community – loved ones, caregivers, patients, researchers –
inspires us all to do all we can to be a part of the path to the
“The store has done fantastically well,” Da Rocha said. “Caskey cure,” she said. “Caskey showed a genuine interest in our cause.
takes good care of every order, and it is simple for us.” They want to do right by us as a partner, to do right by
the PSP community.”
Caskey offered a customized mix of solutions to maximize
CurePSP’s online sales, while minimizing hassle for the
nonprofit’s small staff. Caskey produced the apparel, and it
stores and fulfills all of the online store’s orders. Some existing