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            The magazine to show
           you the importance of
            “more communications –
                more results”.           GREETINGS!

                                         I hope this edition of MORE finds you and your company enjoying a successful
         717.764.4500  800.864.2040      and prosperous year!
                                         At Caskey, we have been very busy during the first half of 2018 doing a lot of
                                         what we do best – print, graphics, design, websites, storefronts and more. But we
                                         have also found time for new opportunities to benefit both our customers and
                                         our employees.
                                         This spring, we joined a new collaborative workspace in the WeWork office at
                                         Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C. This move will allow us to service new clients
                                         as our presence in the D.C. area continues to grow.
                                         We strive to provide as many resources as possible to our clients.
                                         On June 13th, we held a lunch and learn seminar titled “Creativity for
                                         Success.” This educational seminar was a chance for our customers
                3M Preferred             to meet the Caskey Group Creative team and discuss challenges
                Graphics Installer       and opportunities related to working with a graphic designer.
                                         If you would like to join our next seminar, please look for
                                         information to come out this fall.

                                         It has been an exciting time lately as we witness the growth of
                                         our web-to-print business and the impact these custom portals
                                         are having on our clients’ businesses. Our clients are thrilled
                                         with the tangible benefits they experience by streamlining
                                         their print communications onto one digital location. The
                                         benefits they report are: ease of accessing communications,
                                         ability to maintain brand standards and readily accessible
                                         and accurate inventory information.
                                         As always, we thank you for trusting us with your communication
                                         needs. To find out if a web-to-print portal might be right for your
                                         business, or to be put on the mailing list for our next seminar,
                                         contact your Caskey Group Sales Representative or me personally
                                         at [email protected].
                FIND US ON               Wishing you MORE success,

                                         Tony Rife, President
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