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This form of saturation mailing is especially good for   we personalize your message and make
           companies who offer a service that all households   sure it reaches its destination via the
           can use, or companies that need to reach a large    Every Door Direct Mail  service.
           population of people, such as:
                                                               WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS
             • Restaurants             • Contractors &         OF USING EDDM ?
             • Dry Cleaners               Construction           • Get Noticed - Advertising
             • Moving / Storage                                    studies show that increasing
             • Retail stores           • Utility companies         the size of your postcard or mailer can dramatically
             • Churches                • Charities                 increase your response rate. EDDM  requires
             • Salons & Spas           • Politicians               you to mail a Flat which is over 6.25 inches high.
             • Dentists & Doctors      • Banks                     6.25 x 8 and 6.25 x 11 are common EDDM
                                                                   sizes, but you can mail larger, which means you’ll
             • Gyms                    • Auto Service & Sales
                                                                   have plenty of room to get your message across.
           Using EDDM is simple. The process begins with         • No Lists or Permits Required - With EDDM ,
           the online Mapping Tool. This lets you analyze          there is no need to purchase a mailing list; each
           demographics and search by age, income, household       mailer will simply be labeled “Postal Customer.”
           size, and even by location. Once you’ve selected        This helps to reduce mail preparation costs and
           the right audience area for your mailing, you have      save you money.
           the option to mail to the entire zip code, or just
           the specifi c neighborhoods you want to reach by      • Reduced Postage Costs - With postage costs as
           choosing individual carrier routes.                     low as 18 cents per mail piece, an EDDM  mailing
                                                                   is perfect for businesses of any size.
           Great! Now you know who you want to reach, but
           what should your advertisement look like? Where     EDDM  ensures that your mail reaches EVERY home
           do you go to have it designed, printed and mailed?   or business in your target area - no addresses to
           Fortunately, Caskey Group and the United States     collect, and no permits to buy. The result? You reach
           Postal Service (USPS) have you covered!             your customers and you didn’t have to break the
                                                               bank to do it!
           Caskey Group works directly with the U.S. Postal
           Service to maximize the effectiveness of your piece,   Is an Every Door Direct Mail  print campaign right for
           while reducing your postage costs. Once you’ve      your business? Learn more and fi nd out by contacting
           determined the demographics of your audience,       your Caskey Group Sales Representative today!

                                     USPS INFORMED DELIVERY

             See your mailbox from your inbox! The Informed    supplemental content and digital links to create an
             Delivery  service by USPS  lets customers digitally   interactive digital campaign. In this way, Informed
             preview mail and manage packages from the USPS    Delivery integrates hardcopy mail and digital marketing,
             website or through the Informed Delivery app. For   providing multiple impressions and interactivity for
             advertisers using direct mail, this presents an exciting   subscribers in current eligible zip code locations.
             opportunity to reach customers through an additional
             marketing channel, and at a very low cost.        Caskey Group provides several options for advertisers
                                                               looking to implement an Informed Delivery campaign.
             How does it work? Each morning, Informed Delivery
             subscribers receive an email or app notifi cation that   To learn more about how to take your direct mail to the
             includes black and white scanned images of the outside   next level with an interactive Informed Delivery campaign,
             of incoming letter-sized mailings. The original scanned   visit our website at,
             images can be enhanced with custom color graphics,   or contact your Caskey Group Sales Representative today!

                                   See what’s coming               Sign Up For Free
                                   in the mail.  *             *Images of the exterior of incoming letter-sized mail and package tracking information on Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, and other trackable parcels is available
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