Page 12 - Spring Garden Township - Spring-Summer 2021
P. 12

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                                                                                                                                 PA ID
                                                                                                              PA ID
                                                                                          PA ID
                                                                                                                               PERMIT NO. 323
                                                                                       PERMIT NO. 323      CASKEY GROUP       NONPROFIT ORG.
                                                                                                                                YORK, PA
                                                                                         YORK, PA
                      SPRING GARDEN TOWNSHIP                            PRSRT STD       PRESORTED           PRESORTED
                                                                       U.S. POSTAGE     U.S. POSTAGE        U.S. POSTAGE
                      340 Tri Hill Road                                  PA ID            PA ID               PA ID
                      York, PA 17403                                  PERMIT NO. 323   PERMIT NO. 323      CASKEY GROUP
                                                                        YORK, PA         YORK, PA

                                                                 ROADSIDE VEGETATION

                                                                 Trees, bushes, and shrubs must have a clearance
                                    of 14 feet from the road surface and 7 feet
                                                                 clearance from the sidewalks and may not extend
                                                                 beyond the property line into any public street,
                                                                 alley, or sidewalk.

                                                                 A clear view at each corner of an intersection of
                                                                 public or private streets or driveways shall be
                                                                 maintained by establishing a “sight triangle” that
          BRUSH DROP OFF                                         is free of obstructions, such as trees, bushes,
                                                                 signs, and fences that may block a driver’s view.
          When:   March - October
                  Beginning June 2021, collection changed
                  to 2nd Saturday of each month.
                  8 AM to noon

          What:   Up to 8 inches diameter
                  Not to exceed 8 feet in length
                  Tree/shrubs branches, limbs, clippings

          How:      Township staff  will direct you where
                  to unload your brush

          Where:  1799 Mt. Rose Avenue
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