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Let’s say you’re a software marketing company. Where can
you use
You know that your best customers tend to be: personas?
• middle managers,
• quality control managers, DIRECT MAIL
• and IT staffers.
You create a persona, or theoretical personality model, for each bucket that NEWSLETTERS
describes not just their demographics (age, gender, vertical market, company
size, department size), but also what makes them tick, where their pain points TRADESHOW
are, and what motivates them to make purchases. This lets you craft messaging, BROCHURES
not around impersonal data, but around the needs and personalities of real
people. EMAIL
The QC manager and IT staffer will have different motivators and personas.
Seeing them as people—personas—helps you craft more effective messaging SALES
that connects with them in a way that is most likely to convert to a sale. COLLATERALS
Let’s look at theoretical Middle Manager in Vertical Market A.
Customers or prospects • male or female
fitting their persona • 35–45 years old
might be: • in an income bracket of $80,000–$100,000
Based on feedback and • upwardly mobile and driven to prove their value
customer research, to the organization
you know that middle • struggling with legacy systems, turnover in their
managers are: departments, and lack of resources for training
Based on this persona, you can craft messaging that touches on real stress
points, presents concrete solutions, and prompts purchase decisions.
Example 1: “Dear Karla, our software will help you increase the
A traditional marketing productivity of your department and churn your work
out more quickly. Talk to us about how our award-
approach WITHOUT winning software can work for you!”
using personas might be:
Example 2: “Dear Karla, ready to tear your hair out with legacy
Using knowledge from systems? Need to transition to a new system but can’t
your personas, your NEW find the time? Let our professional, on-site training and
24-hour tech support help . . .”
approach might be:
Need help? Talk to us about using personas EVERYWHERE
to change the way you think about talking ELSE!
to your customers!