Year of the GROUPer

Posted on January 28th, 2013

The Caskey Group GROUPerLast year it was THE ROCK.  This year’s weekly employee recognition is the GROUPer AWARD.

“THE ROCK gave employees the opportunity to tell their peers ‘thanks for being my rock’.  It was a great team-building, appreciation-building tool,” said President Tony Rife. “This year, THE GROUPer reinforces that we are all ‘in the group’.  Caskey Group is not a person or a single department.  Together, we are ALL Caskey Group.”

Each week, the previous GROUPer recipient must choose an employee whom they want to recognize.  They must write a short paragraph stating why they chose the new GROUPer AWARD recipient.  The paragraph is posted in the break room and included with paychecks. The new recipient keeps the plastic GROUPER at their work station for the week until they pass it on the following Monday.

The GROUPer also comes with a little something to add to the recognition. According to one Caskey team member, “THE GROUPer definitely makes a fun statement.  It is truly an unattractive fish, but the $10 bill sticking out of its mouth each week makes him much more appealing.”

2013’s first GROUPer recipient is RENEE SCHAEDTLER.  Katie Gilbert, 2012’s final ROCK recipient, said, “When I had the opportunity to choose the Rock last year, I looked for the person who stood out as the most as helpful to me on the projects that I was working on. As I’m thinking of the first Recipient of the Grouper, I’m thinking of the person who has stood out the most over the last few weeks in terms of being part of THE GROUP. This week, I choose Renee Schaedtler. Renee may be new at Caskey, but she strives every day to learn more, take on new challenges, and is always willing to help Ann and me. She has a great positive attitude, even when faced with the challenge of learning something new. If an error is made, she’s willing to accept accountability and learn what to do, in order to better herself, and be the best she can at her job. So this week I say, Renee – you’re definitely in the GROUP!”

Congratulations to Renee Schaedtler, Caskey’s FIRST GROUPER AWARD RECIPIENT!

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You Rock!

We really appreciate Caskey going the extra mile during this difficult time in our community. You Rock!

Private School Client, Maryland


I was really impressed with your execution on my project. I will definitely keep in touch for future projects.

Design Agency Client, New York

Exceptional Employee

Our CSR is a trusted partner at Caskey. We know if it can be done, she will get it done for us.

International Manufacturing Client, Pennsylvania


The design and printing on the card looks fantastic!!!! Thank you for turning it around so quickly.

Private School Client, Maryland

Great effort

The sell sheets arrived today – the exact ones I was looking for and in the requested quantities. Thanks so much for your efforts!

Food Services Client, Pennsylvania

Commitment to Quality

Thanks again for all of your hard work, commitment to quality, and contribution to making our anniversary a success. I heard that people were so taken by the quality of the program you printed, they were taking extras.

Foundation Client, Pennsylvania

Lightning Fast Turnaround

Thanks so much for the early delivery! I wasn’t expecting it til Wednesday. It looks good and it’s a relief to have it done! You are great!

Private School, Maryland

Customer Service Star

I just wanted to send a note in regards to our customer service rep. She is a treasure! She knows what I need and want before I do most of the time.

Retail Client, Pennsylvania

We are very pleased!

The mailers look fantastic! Great job. We are very pleased.

Marketing Firm Client, Pennsylvania

Fantastic Newsletter

Thank you to our sales rep and to Caskey for everything. Our newsletter looks fantastic!

Non-Profit Client, Maryland

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