Caskey Wins Third Award in 2013

Posted on December 20th, 2013

Springettsbury Township Award Winning CoverCaskey client, Springettsbury Township, won second place in the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors’ (PSATS) Class 1 Newsletter category (for townships with populations over 10,000).  Caskey designs, prints, and mails this quarterly publication.

All entries were judged on the usefulness of information presented and how well the information was communicated to township residents. Publications were also judged on their overall attractiveness and readability, according to the press release.

This is the third award the Caskey team won for its quality work in 2013. In June and September, Caskey earned two different awards for printing the Gettysburg Foundation’s 150th Anniversary booklet.

To view the online versions on the latest newsletters, click on the photo or see both issues here.

To read the full press release, click here.

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